This school code (2023/2024) reflects the Libermann Spiritan School, Templeogue (LSST) mission to promote excellence in the experience of special education.

Our Code of Relationships, Respect, and Behaviour, prioritises our emphasis on positive relationships, respect for all members of the school community, and standards of behaviour that nurture a caring and comfortable environment in which our students can thrive. Our objective is to foster a strong sense of belief in each student’s strengths and abilities; to encourage a keen experience of ownership and belonging to the school community for each child; and to support them to reach and realise their social and educational potential.

The policy document is available to view, download and print in PDF format via the link opposite.





Please Note

The school actively seeks to promote an ethos which is safe, welcoming, understanding, tolerant, caring and which acknowledges the inherent value, respect, and dignity of each person. A code of relationships, respect and behaviour is established to ensure that the individuality of each child is accommodated while at the same time acknowledging the right of each child to education in a disruption free environment.

school hours

M-F: 9:20am – 3:00pm


Libermann Spiritan School Templeogue
Templeville Road,
Dublin 6W,
D6W NW94



089 616 6049

(M-F: 9:00am – 3:30pm. Temporary number. If unanswered, please leave a message and we will revert as soon as possible.)